If Arcadia Home Delivery is the carrier, we do not charge a receiving fee.
If Arcadia Home Delivery is NOT the carrier, we charge a receiving fee of $10.00 per piece with a $50 minimum and a $50 processing fee.
Corrected Bill of Lading/Reconsignment Fee
All changes to a shipment must be in writing and must identify the bill-to-party responsible for the reconsignment fee ($35.00) and/or additional charges.
Storage Fees
Arcadia Home Delivery does not charge for storage during the first 60 days. On the 61st day storage fees begin and apply to all pieces/boxes in storage and to all received thereafter at the rate of $20.00 per piece/box per month. Please discuss your storage needs with Arcadia’s staff should there be any questions.
Consolidation Fee
Arcadia Home Delivery charges a Consolidation Fee of $150.00.
Excessive Stair Flight Fee
There is a $100.00 per floor fee for every flight of stairs past the third floor. This fee is not paid to Arcadia Home Delivery but is to be paid directly to the delivery team.
Overweight Fees
There is a $1.00 per pound surcharge on all delivery items weighing more than 300 pounds. Items weighing more than 300 pounds require more than two men to move. We ask that the customer provide the additional help. If they are unable, there will be an additional $500.00 surcharge to source manpower and a possible delay in delivery.
Pick-Ups, Returns & Transfers:
Pick-up Areas Defined:
LOCAL AREA: Covers High Point, Lexington, Thomasville & Greensboro NC (Included in delivery charge if Arcadia Home Delivery handles full delivery)
HICKORY AREA: Covers Hickory, Lenoir, Conover & Taylorsville NC (Included in delivery charge if Arcadia Home Delivery handles full delivery)
OUTSIDE AREA: Covers any area not listed above (Not included in delivery charges. Rates can be calculated on our freight calculator based on origin area location.)
If Arcadia Home Delivery picks up your item but does NOT handle the full delivery, then the following fees apply:
Arcadia fees when Outside Carrier/Customer collects directly from Arcadia Home Delivery Warehouse after pick-up:
Pick up Local Area: $35 pick-up fee from Local Area, $50 processing fee (covers 3 pieces/cartons-$10 per each additional piece over 3 items)
Pick up Hickory Area: $50 pick-up fee from Hickory Area, $50 processing fee (covers 3 pieces/cartons-$10 per each additional piece over 3 items)
Pick up Outside Area: Pick-up charge based on origin location per freight calculator, $50 processing fee (covers 3 pieces/cartons-$10 per each additional piece over 3 items)
Returns to Manufacturer after Collection fees:
Local Area Return: $35 pick-up fee from Local Area, $35 return fee to Local Area, $50 processing fee (covers 3 pieces/cartons-$10 per each additional piece over 3 items)
Hickory Area Return: $50 pick-up fee from Hickory Area, $50 return fee to Hickory Area, $50 processing fee (covers 3 pieces/cartons-$10 per each additional piece over 3 items)
Outside Area for Local Area Return: Pick-up charge based on origin location per freight calculator, $35 return fee to Local Area, $50 processing fee (covers 3 pieces/cartons-$10 per each additional piece over 3 items)
Outside Area for Hickory Area Return: Pick-ups charge based on origin location per freight calculator, $50 return fee to Hickory Area, $50 processing fee (covers 3 pieces/cartons-$10 per each additional piece over 3 items)
Transfers to Local Carrier after Collection fees:
Pick up Local Area with transfer: $35 pick-up fee from Local Area, $35 transfer to Local Area Carrier, $50 processing fee (covers 3 pieces/cartons-$10 per each additional piece over 3 items)
Pick up Hickory Area with transfer: $50 pick-up fee from Hickory Area, $35 transfer to Local Area Carrier, $50 processing fee (covers 3 pieces/cartons-$10 per each additional piece over 3 items)
Pick up Outside Area with transfer: Pick-up charge based on origin location per freight calculator, $35 transfer to Local Area Carrier, $50 processing fee (covers 3 pieces/cartons-$10 per each additional piece over 3 items)
Arcadia Home Delivery provides one man and one truck for all Local Area & Hickory Area pick-ups. If additional manpower is required, there is a charge of $50.00 per hour per man with a one-hour minimum. Travel time included in calculation of charges.